
TotalBiscuit leaves social media: Bids an emotional goodbye

When we say TotalBiscuit, it’s the video game YouTuber John Bain. He bids an emotional goodbye to social media citing that he is not able to accept criticisms among other reasons.

Firefox 44: Mozilla Introduced Updated Browser, Allows Push Notifications Even From Unloaded Sites

Mozilla has introduced a new version of its browser on Tuesday that allows push notifications even from unloaded sites. The new feature is super useful for websites like email, weather, social networks and shopping, which are usually frequently browsed for updates. This saves battery life and system resources. Through introducing the updated browser, Mozilla also keeps its earlier commitments, pledged along with other browser makers, for dropping RC4 support in 2016.

JPMorgan Chase installs e-ATMs which render cards redundant

JPMorgan Chase is all set to revolutionize the concept of ATM cash withdrawals. The bank will introduce the new system in the form of e-ATMs which will basically render bank cards redundant. The machines will dispense cash via a simple mobile app, in different denominations like $1, $5, $20, and $100 bills. At the same time, Chase has increased the withdrawal limit by three times, at $3000.

Oracle Discloses Planning For Data Center In Dubai To Dominate The Vibrant Cloud Market In The Middle East

Oracle has disclosed its expansion program in the Middle East for 2016 which involves setting up a data center and new offices in Abu Dhabi and internet cities in Amman and Riyadh. It also plans to increase its workforce to offer better service for the customers across the Middle East and Africa. The vibrant nature of the cloud market in the Middle East region and the ever growing cloud business therein has led the Californian tech giant to approach with larger investments.

Latest News

Tech startup Slack Technologies hires Noah Weiss to lead the company's Search, Learning and Intelligence group. This indicates Sack Technologies interest to invest more on artificial intelligence.
The United States could reduce its greenhouse gas emissions from power production sector within the next 15 years by raising their investment in renewable resources like solar and wind, according to study findings.
BMW becomes the first car to integrate a unique free feature into its vehicles, the IFTTT (If This Then That) services. This feature provides its customers with a host of personalized services through a newly built platform called BMW Labs. The customers are now able to automatically open garage doors while pulling into the driveway. They can send auto-alerts to spouse upon picking up kids from school, and even get the exact location of the parking spot in a Google Maps link.
Over 250,000 drone owners registered their remote-controlled aircraft during the first month of the aviation agency's online registration system. The fresh set of rules came out after pilots complained about the drones flying near them.
Many venture capitalists like Chamath Palihapitiya prefer to park their funds in Amazon as the online retailer is forecast to grow over a decade. The reason is that it's not because of e-Commerce operations, but its cloud computing unit Amazon Web Services (AWS). Many companies will eventually pay a fixed fee to Amazon as they increasingly rely on cloud computing services to run their services.
Najib Razak has been cleared of corruption case of over $681 million as the money is a 'gift' from Saudi royal family. According to the Attorney General Apandi Ali, the sum in prime minister’s personal bank account has no link to troubled state fund 1MDB.
China has emerged a winner against crashing commodity prices and recorded a benefit of $460 billion this year. Out of this windfall, $320 came from cheaper oil prices alone and the remaining $140 billion from other commodities like energy, metal, and agricultural items.
Jack Dorsey will be the next product boss. Jack Dorsey, the creator of Square and Twitter, will be able to infuse bold product modification which has been lacking at the company.
A Rubik's cube solved in 1 second is hard to believe, but if you say that a robot solved it in 1 second, you are not only amazed, you applaud the resultant effect of technology combined with human intelligence. Yes, that's what software engineers Jay Flatland and Paul Rose's creation just did and the proof lies in the form of a YouTube video.
Future Land Development shares have witnessed a fall of around 14% and appear to be the lowest since September 7. Meanwhile, Moody’s has changed outlook on the business to negative from stable on Monday. Fearing further price falling, the company has arranged suspension of its shares listed in the Hong Kong and Shanghai Stock Exchange.
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