
Large international banks increase capital by USD 500 billion from 2009- Carney

Mark Carney, Chairman of the Financial Stability Board, said banks had infused fresh capital amount to half a trillion dollars since 2009.

Malone not seeking bids for Liberty Global

John Malone, the US cable magnate who owns Liberty Global Plc said the company would consider proposals but is content with how the company is at present.

Indonesia's Alliance of Venture Capitals may have just been a casual group - report

Technology and startup blog e27 backtracked on its earlier report that the formation of Alliance for Venture Capitals (AVCII) in Indonesia last week was merely a casual lunch date to discuss topics and future policies for the internet startup community.

Twitter appoints ex-Google biz unit head as Country Manager for Australia

With the opening of its new Australian unit, Twitter confirmed the official appointment of ex-Google unit head Karen Stock as the country manager for Australia.

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The Saudi Arabian government has cut down the number of pilgrims allowed to Mecca by requiring bonds for ferrying airlines because of ongoing expansion and construction at Islam's holiest mosque.
President Xi Jinping's anti-corruption drive tries another senior official of graft. The Chinese government's investigation on corruption has now turned to the head of its state assets regulator in what has been called 'serious discipline violations'.
Survey indicates a drop in US consumer sentiment after a six month high. After a six year high, consumer sentiment in the United States fell in August despite being upbeat in their outlook in the early part of the month.
Proposals to overhaul the US tax system could eliminate the billions of dollars in tax breaks enjoyed by corporations.
Hermann Groehe said Angela Merkel would be most willing to tackle issues about European politics on their television debate this Sunday.
Microsoft Corp. announced on Friday that it had offered ValueAct Capital Management LLC President Mason Morfit to join the tech giant's board of directors.
Zurich Insurance's Chairman Josef Ackermann resigned abruptly following the death of the company's CFO Pierre Wauthier.
Zurich Insurance Group dispelled its concerns about the resignation of Josef Ackermann in the wake of its CFO's death.
According to a Bloomberg report, the potential nomination of a Federal Reserve outsider made investors scramble for advice on whether the news would have an effect in financial markets and monetary policy.
James Boyne, erstwhile Calamos Investments President and COO resigns to pursue non-profit work. In an announcement last Thursday, Calamos investments announced that the firm's President and COO would be leaving the company by September 30.
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