Activision shares soar to all-time high on acquisition news

Activision Blizzard Inc, a leading player in the mobile game publishing giant, is buying King Digital Entertainment Plc, a mobile publisher, for $5.98 billion. After beating the market expectations for third quarter results, Activision has announced its decision of acquiring King. Activision is keen on expanding the mobile gaming activity as the acquisition will create biggest games powerhouse in the world. It's estimated that after the acquisition, it will be next to the market leader Tencent in the global market. The company's stock rose to its all-time high as investors responded positively to the acquisition news.

Twitch Install's Social Experiment Failed to Accomplish Goal

A bizare idea just occurred recently in the Twitch live streaming video platform. A group called themselves "twitchintheshell" planned to install Linux on a virtual machine, based on the most popular keystroke entered by Twitch users. The idea named asTwitch Install has ended in a couple of days after being hijacked by botnet installing other Linux distro.

Four of 10 products sold online in China are fakes, shoddy

More than 40% of goods sold on the Internet in China are fakes or shoddy, according to a report by an official of the standing committee of the National People's Congress, the country's top law-making body.

Tesla hires Google's former VP

Ellon Musk's Tesla Motors Inc. announced that there will be a new Chief Financial Officer in the company as its current CFO, Deepak Ahuja will be retiring this year. According to the announcement, the new CFO is Jason Wheeler, a former CFO for Google.

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Amazon is opening its first physical bookstore on Tuesday this week. The store is located in the University Village shopping center, an upscale outdoor mall north of the University of Washington, Seattle.
Following the success collaboration with the fast growing retail delivery service Instacart in Minneapolis, the retail company Target Corporation is now expanding the service with Instacart in San Francisco.
Microsoft's latest Windows 10 increased its market share by 7.94 percent in October from 6.63 percent in September. Ubergizmo has reported that one of the major reasons for the growth in the company's market share is the fact that people who use a genuine older version of Windows can upgrade their operating system to Windows 10 for free.
The oil drilling activity in Canada is taking a hit as crude oil price is still hovering at $50 a barrel. The current situation is forcing Canadian oil companies to lower drilling activity in 2016.
Linux, the once revolutionary operating system in the 1990's, has just released its latest kernel version. The release of its new 4.3 kernel was preceded by an angry message by its creator due to bad programming code.
Taking positive cues from encouraging gains on Wall Street, Asian stocks with an exception to China moved up on Tuesday. Chinese stock market dropped following the jitters emerging from adverse developments in forms of corruption and illegal trading that dampened the market sentiment.
More and more United States giant tech companies are partnering with Chinese firms that are connected with the Asian country's military, leading to fears that it may improve Chinese military technological capabilities and could even harm US national security.
Due to the lower cost of regulatory fines, HSBC's pre-tax profit in the third quarter increased 32 percent to $6.1 billion from $4.6 billion in the same period last year, beating analysts' expectations of $5.2 billion.
US Stocks went up across sectors Monday largely due to the increases in the energy sector and the growing acquisition activities in healthcare. Reuters reported that the increases on the first trading day of November happened right after the impressive October figure, which is the best monthly performance of the major indexes in the last four years.
At Apple's iPhone 6 launch on 9th September, Apple also unveiled its iPad Pro, a 12.9inch wonder gadget described as the most capable and powerful iPad ever created making it a most wonderful gift this Christmas.