U.S. companies swarmed Cuba, uncertain if business profits
The week long trade expo celebration in Havana, Cuba brought it some 50 American businesses, but most of these firms still have no idea how to earn money in the communist-ruled country with a population that has minimum purchasing power.
Athena: Women's Bestfriend Against Sexual Attacks
Rapes are the major problem encountered by women as well as men. The sense of security is long gone in people starting with the age below 10, ruining the remaining life of innocents.
Philips announced Sapphire S616 and Sapphire Life V787 smartphones with anti-blue displays
Philips Electronic Inc. announced the release of a pair of Android smartphones, Sapphire Life V787 and Sapphire S616. The smartphones feature SoftBlue that makes anti-blue screen by reducing 86% of the blue lights emitted.
Lenovo and Nutanix Announced Partnership to Enter Data Center Market
Lenovo recently announced its strategic partnership with Nutanix, an enterprise virtualization company. Their partnership will develop a hyperconverged applicances for agile and scalable cloud computing. It will be a great benefit for Lenovo who just purchased IBM Intel server division last year.