US cybersecurity firm HackSurfer bags $3.5M in funding to beef up software protection
Maryland, US-based software cybersecurity firm HackSurfer bagged $3.5 million in a recent funding round to provide better cloud-based enterprise data protection for its customers from both private and government sectors.
UK retail chain Poundstretcher shells out $1M to branch out to Zambia
Huddersfield, UK-based retail chain Poundstretcher shelled out $1 million to branch out to Zambia as it begins to beef up its presence in Africa and establish its name as an international brand.
La Caisse pours C$42M into Quebec wind energy project
Montreal, Canada-based institutional fund manager La Caisse De Depot Et Placement Du Quebec poured C$42 million into the Parc des Moulins wind far in Quebec as part of its bid to generate long-term returns for its clients.
Izzy Zalcberg buys shares in US cannabis industry solutions provider TechnoConcepts
Micro-cap investor Irwin "Izzy" Zalcberg has bought shares in Colorado, US-based tech wireless tech firm and cannabis industry solutions provider TechnoConcepts Inc for an undisclosed amount to take advantage of the increasing value of the legal marijuana market in the US.