Beijing Electric Acquires EEW For €1.44 Billion, The Largest Ever Chinese Direct Investment In Germany

BEHL is going to purchase the leading German waste to energy recycler EEW for €1.44 Billion. The deal appears to be the largest ever Chinese direct investment in Germany. Following legal obligation, the transaction will be cleared under the German Foreign Trade and Payments Ordinance.

Apple Plans To Transform iPhone Apps To Android Compatible Versions Aiming To Boost Revenue

Apple has tasted the sweet of transforming iPhone apps to Android compatible versions through Apple Music in 2015. In addition to introduce versatile range of products, Apple CEO has announced the future plan in a company wide meeting. Analysts have presumed that Apple is considering every feasible mean to boost up revenue earnings.

Linkedin Q4 2015 Earning is Above Expectations, But Stocks Drop 30%

LinkedIn on Thursday reported its fourth quarter earnings in 2015. The number is better than analyst expectation, but its stock dropped to 30% because of weaker earnings guidance that analyst forecasted.

The US Dollar worst single day drop prompted Asian shares to climb higher as oil price increases

The US Dollar plunged to its worst single day drop outside of the 1998 and 2008 crisis today due to speculation regarding 'no rate hike' policy that the Federal Reserve might be implementing for this year. The plunged however, cause a reversal effect helping oil price to increase and help boosting Asian stocks.

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Investors are concerned as the US stock index futures turned weaker. The marginal recovery in oil price amid drop in the US dollar puts the Wall Street on cautious note. On the other hand, Asian and European stocks were trading marginally higher on oil price recovery and drop in US dollar.
The retail tech startup Salesfloor closed $3 million seed fund on Tuesday. The fund was led by BDC Capital IT Venture Fund and two London-based investors Jamie True and Jon Claydon.
The Dutch banking major ING Groep's revenues for the fourth quarter were above the analysts' forecasts. ING's exposure to the oil companies is putting pressure on its stock, which suffered 20 percent drop. However, ING is also receiving indirect benefits from lower oil prices.
The US economy encouragingly created more jobs for the past two years and now is set for a slowdown, as economists predict. The prevailing credit conditions the US market indicate tightening of economy. The US private sector added 205,000 jobs in January as against 267,000 in December.
GoPro has represented fourth quarter financials on Wednesday. It has counted a loss of 8 cents per share in Q4 and yearly earning per share has been reduced to 76 cents a share. The yearly earning has been reduced by 42% from 99 cents per share, a year ago. Poor sales during the Q4 have been held responsible for the week financial figures. But the company itself has widened the loss margin through repurchasing own stocks. Not only that, it has allocated $264.4 million funds for further share repurchasing in 2016.
The rise of oil prices had brought positive growth to most of the Asian markets, except for Japan. On the other hand, European market had seen a drop. The oil prices increased overnight due to speculations that U.S Federal Reserve would possibly decide not to increase interest rates throughout 2016.
VirnetX has been in the limelight for its achievement in realizing $223 million from Microsoft in out of court settlements. Now the patent litigation company has won a court verdict that instructs Apple to pay $625.6 million for patent infringement issues. VirnetX has claimed for $532 million initially, but Apple’s deliberate infringement over the patented products has reportedly increased the amount.
Google, for the first time, has disclosed financials on earnings, expenditure, asset value and future business planning. From the financials, analysts have found lot of scopes for Google and its parent company, Alphabet to expand. Google’s ad earnings have been witnessed to rise significantly during the year 2015. Meanwhile, it has spent only $3.6 billion in its ambitious technology projects during the same period. The net earning of Alphabet has been reached to $4.9 billion. Adding this earning to the net asset value, Alphabet has been recognized as the worlds most worthy enterprise.
Takata Corp, a manufacturer of airbags used in vehicles for consumer safety, will announce its restructuring plan to automakers in May. The restructuring plan is expected to include the sharing of recall costs. The defective airbags are forcing automobile majors to recall millions of cars.
According to PwC and NVCA report, Charlottesville has been the fastest growing startup since 2010. Between 2010-2015, venture-backed startups increased 55% annually in the place where Thomas Jefferson's house is located.
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