Renewable Energy

Australia To Fund Wind Power Again; Turnbull Lifts Abbot's Ban

First introduced by former Prime Minister Tony Abbott, the ban on government investment on wind power was lifted as part of Malcolm Turnbull's innovation agenda. The Clean Energy Finance Corporation is now able, due to Environmental Minister Greg Hunt's new orders, to spend the $10 billion on new wind power projects.

Morocco to build the world’s largest solar power plant

Morocco will build the largest concentrated solar power in the world at Ouarzazate city. The project, alongside with hydro and wind, will help provide nearly half of Morocco's electricity requirement by 2020.

Toyota's New Hydrogen Car Mirai Outputs Clean Safe to Drink Water

US consumers can now buy or lease the Mirai, Toyota's first fuel cell car that runs by combining hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity. Since it runs on water, its only output is also water, which is clean enough to drink.

$57 million loan to fund the Renatosu Soma Solar Park

Japan is setting up a 53-megawatt solar powered station to be situated in northern Fukushima. Four lending institutions will back up the project namely Mitsubishi UFJ, Sendai-based 77 Bank which will provide the highest amount of loan of $57 million and other two lenders according to PV Magazine.

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Leonardo DiCaprio along with 2,000 other individuals and 400 institutions plans to pull out their investments from fossil fuels in a move to fight global warming, activist group Wallace Global Fund announced Tuesday.
Charging an electric car in the United Kingdom may soon be as convenient as charging a phone. The British government is testing later this year a motorway that enables electric cars to charge as they drive, using magnetic induction technology.
Google launches Project Sunroof in San Francisco, Fresno and Massachusetts. The project uses high-resolution aerial mapping and local weather guide to identify the amount of sunlight that hits the roof and how much dollars homeowners will save for the whole year.
Beijing will build four gas-fired power and heating plants by next year and shut the last of its coal-fired generators by 2017 as part of its campaign against hazardous air pollution, officials said.
Japan should aim to make nuclear energy account for between 20 and 22 percent of the country's electricity mix by 2030, with renewable energy making up slightly more, the industry ministry said on Tuesday.
One by one, Japan is turning off the lights at the giant oil-fired power plants that propelled it to the ranks of the world's top industrialized nations. With nuclear power in the doldrums after the Fukushima disaster, it's solar energy that is becoming the alternative.
The bill for shutting down Germany's nuclear power plants and building a safe disposal site for nuclear waste could rise to 70 billion euros ($75 billion), the head of a government commission told daily Frankfurter Rundschau in an interview.
Solar panel maker SunPower Corp said it would partner with Apple Inc to build two solar power projects in China's Sichuan province with total capacity of 40 megawatts.
Tokyoites will get a chance to zip around town on Toyota Motor Corp's three-wheeled electric car-motorbike from Friday, in a trial aimed at crafting a global business model to reduce gridlock and pollution.
Global green energy investment surged in 2014, after two years of decline, due to a solar boom in China and Japan and record offshore wind investment in Europe, a U.N.-backed report showed.
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