
23andMe to sell genetic information for US$99

The personal genomic and biotechnology corporation in the US would target people's DNA by selling their genetic information for US$99.

Observers warn volatily of Tesla stock

Industry observers cautioned bullish investors to thread carefully with Tesla stock. Although Tesla enjoys a surge in their stock prices, observers warned bullish investors to take precaution on trading decisions.

First time buyers prefer Android, Apple gains repeat-buyers' choice

According to Consumer Intelligence Research Partners, first time smartphone buyers would prefer Android units while repeat buyers would choose Apple products.

Nielsen says Twitter chatter improves TV ratings

Nielsen said that the chatter on Twitter could enhance the live ratings of television shows. Last week, 143,109 tweets each second was sent by Japanese Twitter users which set to a new world record.

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The South Korean company's new chips would result to smartphones with 384GB of storage capacity.
The cost of a mayoralty campaign now is not just about the person but also about actual funds. Disgraced New York mayoralty candidate Anthony Weiner's troubles not only continue to haunt him, but is actually taking a new life of its own.
The MLB has meted out suspensions against players that were connected to the Biogenesis clinic, who has been found to have peddled performance enhancing drugs.
According to data by the Financial Supervisory Service, Chinese investments in South Korea's local securities increased 42 times since late 2008.
Researchers said that the sale of smart sensors would reach US$6.9 billion in 2018. University of California Professor, Steven Glaser, hoped to build the world's biggest sensor network.
H&M unveils its online store after several launch delays. Hennes & Mauritz had recently announced the launch of its online sales operations for the US market.
The Japanese debt watcher raised the Philippines' credit ratings recently. Rating and Investment Information Inc, a debt watcher from Japan, recently upgraded the Philippines' credit outlook from "stable" to "positive" due to progressive changes in the country's fundamentals.
According to optimistic analysts, India is still on track to becoming the net super economy if only industrial houses continued to invest.
According to Indonesia's Bureau for Statistics, global demand for the country's assets remained unattractive to foreign investors.
Two confirmed cases of cyclospora in Louisiana were confirmed and now the disease could become an outbreak.
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