German Bundesbank Head Warns of ECB intervention
Germany's Bundesbank head says that the ECB cannot solve the current Eurozone crisis. According to Bundesbank Chief Jens Weidmann, the European Central Bank cannot solve the current Euro Zone crisis.
European Banking Authority to create banker database
To prevent cross border issues, the European Banking Authority stands to create a database on bankers and key bank functions for sharing between countries.
Deutsche Bank Needs Structural Changes to Meet Capital Requirements
Deutsche Bank, according to its CFO, needs to change balance sheet to comply with new capital requirements.
ProSiebenSat.1 owners preparing for exit
ProSiebenSat.1 owners, namely KKR and Permira, are seeking to either sell off shares or sell the whole firm to another media outfit.
Latest News
Mervyn Davies is planning to purchase part of the shareholdings of the UK government in Lloyds Bank.
The PSE President Hans Sicat says sales record still achievable within the year. According to the Philippine Stock Exchange, the target for record shares sales for 2013 is still achievable.
According to data shown by the US government, higher jobs were created last June that totaled to 195,000 from the previous forecasted of 165,000 job generation.
The interest rates of US are expected to increase within 14 months that should have the world brace for prolonged dollar surge.
The decrease in demands for China was accounted for its slowing economic growth as Asian's coffee premiums remain at multi-month highs.
China's Sunergy reported higher first-quarter shipments and earned about US$61.7 million. Sunergy Co Ltd, China's solar panel maker, reported it gained higher first-quarter deliveries.
Standard Chartered organized this year's annual conference held in India by bringing African chairmen.
Former Provident executives were sentenced to jail after pleading guilty for investment fraud. According to United States attorney John M. Bales' statement today, four executives from Provident Royalties, Inc.
A. Schulman Inc dropped its bid for Ferro worth US$563 million after being ignored for months. A. Schulman Inc, a chemical producer, announced that it withdrew its bid for Ferro Corp.
The FCC approved Sprint's acquisition of Clearwire and SoftBank's investment on Sprint. After a unanimous vote, the Federal Communications Commission announced that it approved the transactions between SoftBank Corp, Sprint Nextel Corp.