Chinese market scares off emerging market investors

Investors are pulling back from placing bets on emerging markets due to risks brought about by China.

Allston and RGM eyes merger

Two high-frequency traders are seeking a merger. (Photo : Reuters)A handshake denotes a partnership between entities. RGM Advisors LLC and Allston Trading LLC are discussing future merger plans.

Swiss banks' privacy under pressure from US and Europe

Banks from Switzerland are being pressured by European and United States governments to release private information.

Investors doubt U.S. and Europe gov't debt payment programs

The US and European governments won't be able to make any significant cut back on its deficits, according to investors.

Latest News

Stephen Poloz, new central bank chief for Bank of Canada said on Wednesday that the bank can no longer rely on its usual models to assess the economy.
The US economy remained stuck at a sluggish pace after the Federal Reserve chairman suggested the US central bank was prepared to reduce its bond acquisitions.
Lloyds Banking Group must plug a capital shortfall of GBP8.6 billion after Britain's banking regulator announced new rulings on Thursday.
Finance ministers in the Euro zone agreed to systematically rescue important banks with a Eur60 billion bailout fund.
Investors used the mid-year point to review fund portfolios making requests to pull out cash from hedge funds increase in June.
Russian president Vladimir Putin announced US$13 billion investment plan on Friday during the annual business forum held at St. Petersburg.
Stockholders at Trio Merger approved merger with SAExploration during the special meeting held today by the company.
Jefferies & Co backed billionaire Carl Icahn's bid for the computer maker Dell Inc. with US$5.2 billion loan.
SBI chairman Pratin Chaudhuri said that the State Bank of India needed Rs3000 crore to merge with one of its associates banks.
More US Senators are getting concerned with the Shuanghui-Smithfield deal and urged thorough review regarding planned acquisition.