Mercator Shares Owned by Pivovarna Lasko to be sold off
Mercator shares owned by Pivovarna would be sold to Agrokor. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the corporate logo and byline of Mercator in Slovenian. Pivovarna Lasko, the largest beverage producer in Slovenia, had said that it would be selling off its shareholdings in Mercator, the largest food retailer in the country.
Vodafone Considers Improving Bid for Kabel Deutschland
According to sources, Vodafone considers to improve its bid for Kabel Deutschland after the said deal to purchase the company at Eur81 per share.
Honeywell Purchase of Intermec Gets EU Approval
Honeywell Industries, which purchased Intermec for US$600 million, has obtained approval from the European Commission.
Son: T-Mobile Deal Is Plan B
Softbank Corp's CEO, Masayoshi Son said that a deal with T-Mobile will be his Plan B if he fails to acquire Sprint Nextel.