Greek Prime Minister Assures No Deposit 'Haircut'
Greek Prime Minister categorically says that the recapitalization has protected the Greek banks from a Cyprus like crash.
More Private Investment for Job Creation Needed - European Union
The EU seeks to follow US model in job creation. European Union officials are seeking to change the deep stagnation of its present economy. They are looking into adapting one component of the U.
Royal Bank of Scotland Loses Appeal
A report from the Financial Times said that the RBS lost its case against the hedge fund Highland. The Financial Times in London reported that the Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc lost its high-profile legal dispute against the U.
NVCA Says the Last Quarter Was Worst Since 2003
According to NVCA data, the first quarter of 2013 was the worst since the third quarter of 2003. Without a doubt, the venture capital industry has experienced the worst quarter it has had in a decade.