Two Major Health Supplement Firms Seek Investors
Santa Cruz Nutritionals and Nellson Nutraceutical LLG are seeking buyers. Three sources who spoke on condition of anonymity are confirming that Santa Cruz Nutritionals and Nellson Nutraceutical LLG are in the process of searching for buyers.
Chernin Bids for Hulu
Former Hulu board member Peter Chermin offers US$500 million for Hulu. Hulu, the online video streamiong service established in 2007, has received an offer from former News Corp President Peter Chernin.
Senate Bill Requires Higher Capital Ratio
There is a new bill for consideration on the US Senate floor as to the required capital ratio of the banks, to avoid the 'too-big-to-fail' argument.
Cole Credit Property Trust Rejects New American Realty Bid
The third bid by American Realty for Cole Credit Property Trust was rejected because of its high debt absorption requirement for the higher purchase per share values.