NASA, Lockheed Martin Collaborate For Quieter 'X-Plane' Project Worth $20 Million

NASA is to built quieter supersonic jet planes that will one day replace passenger jet planes. The $20 million contract was given to Lockheed Martin which will collaborate with NASA for reviving supersonic aviation feasibility studies.

Propery Investors To Face Tough Economic Condition in South Africa

Property investors would face tough economic condition in South Africa due to the economic resession the country is facing. Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan is attempting to overcome this by increasing tax, that could slow down property sales in the country.

India's defense budget down to 1.65% of GDP

India's budget allocation for the defense sector fell for the first time in the latest Union Budget-2016. India had been increasing military budget since its war with China 1962. It was notably down to 1.65 percent from 1.74 percent in previous budget.

China to lay off 6 million state workers

China has decided to layoff millions of workers from 'zombie enterprises' in the next two to three years. For relocating retrenched workers, the government will spend Yuan 100 billion ($15.27 billion). China's economy is suffering from industrial overcapacity and pollution levels.

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India is about to fund $3.56 billion of capital to govrnment-run lenders because of bad and restricted loans. Banks felt relief as the government is ready to help them when they need the capital.
GE have been trying attract tech workers since last year. In its new Oscars ad, GE mock the startups and proclaim itself as a tech company and an industrial company.
The technology start-ups in India are looking for investments from Chinese companies like Cheetah Mobile. The booming Indian technology sector is attracting many tech companies in China to invest in these Indian techs start-up firms.
Year 2015 was dubbed as year of fintech. As financial technology startup companies flourish and gain huge fund. Global regulators are closely monitoring the fintech startups and will propose rules to regulate them.
European Central Bank (ECB) is expected to launch monetary stimulus next month to help banking system in euro zone. Norwegian's biggest bank DNB ASA supported the effort as stated by its chief of asset management.
Greece recalled its ambassador from Austria, following Austria's decision to close its border for migrant. While majority of people are not satisfied with government's way in handling economic crisis.
Central Reserve Bank of Peru is increasing local currency bank reserve requirements (reserve ratio) to support its weakening currency Nuevo Sol. The capital reserve ratio will be one percent from March 206 onwards from existing 0.75 percent.
The Japan Finance Ministry is organizing a seminar for women covering the topics on the country’s fiscal policy. Women’s fashion magazine editor-in-chief Hiromi Sogo will serve as one of the six female speakers encouraging women to take a more active role in the country’s economy.
SpaceX aborts its third attempt to launch its Falcon 9 rocket, which is designed to land its booster on a platform, making spaceflight more affordable. The abrupt scrub, just seconds before the liftoff, was due to an unexpected delay that caused the fuel to fail.
With the release of the yearly budget many are hopeful that their lives will change for the better especially for those who live in the rural areas. The allocated budget focuses mainly on the agrarian sector, health and social and infrastructures that could help alleviate sufferings and give comfort for the less fortunate.
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