R-Squared investment firm ups position in Russian ruble
R-Square Macro Management is increasing its exposure to Russian currency Ruble. It's hoping on rebound in Ruble as it fell 37 percent from the recent high in 2015. Some asset managers scaled back their wagers on Ruble amid high volatility in the Russian currency.
Indian market crash channeling funds into MFs
The recent market crash in Indian stock markets is driving funds from equities to mutual funds (MFs). As a result, fixed income mutual funds are witnessing increased inflows of funds amid ongoing bear market.
The Reason Behind Google's $1 Billion Investment in SpaceX Last Year
Google made a big investment last year to SpaceX, as a mean to help the company build space-based internet communication system. Meanwhile, SpaceX is scheduled to launched by February 24.
Whole Foods to trim costs, shifting biz focus
Whole Foods Market Inc is in the process of cost reduction. To promote sales volume, it's offering discounts and building relations stronger with suppliers. Whole Foods is expecting a savings of $300 million annually.