Facebook India: Facebook’s Free Limited Internet Access Program Stays Banned, Following the TRAI Decision
India’s internet regulator, the TRAI, had officially banned Facebook’s Free Basics program. The program has been banned for a few months now, but TRAI has been willing to reevaluate the terms until it came up with the decision that the program would not be allowed in the country. The Free Basics program was banned due to concerns over internet neutrality.
Eyeriss: MIT Introduced Chip Capable of Deep Learning Using AI Technology
An MIT research team has introduced a new computer chip, Eyeriss, that will allow IoT devices to go through deep learning process. Data collected by the devices, is currently uploaded to the internet for processing by power servers. Eyeriss chip processes the collected data locally using the neural technology and thus ensures data security and reduces power consumption.
India Startup: Zomato Becomes India's First E-Commerce to Break Even
The company announced that it had broken even in India and six other foreign countries, making the Indian e-commerce the first to achieve that milestone. Zomato, valued at over $1 billion, is going to start another funding round before becoming profitable by mid-2016.
Bank of Russia revoked banking license of two more banks this year
The Russian Central Bank revoked license for banking for two banks, the Interkommerzbank and Alta Bank. The license revoke is part of the tougher regulation set by the Russian government to help strengthen the country's economy.