Data portray poor Japanese economy
The economy of Japan struggled last month according to a wave of data released by the Bank of Japan. The industrial production was down 1.4% over the prior month.
Sweat with Kayla app charges exorbitantly: fans are furious
Fitness trainer and guru overcharge numerous die hard fitness fans for using the app. Fans become furious over high prices and horrendous cancellation process.
Apple fixes Safari bug that crashed Mac and iOS browser
The Safari fault which has affected a range of Apple devices has been fixed. The fault was related to Apple's Safari Suggestions feature. Simply disabling this feature will stop Safari crashing says iOS developers.
Apple recalls plug adapters: over risk of electric shock
Apple announced a recall of wall plug adapters warning the risk of electric shock. The recall applied to those adaptors used in Australia, New Zealand, Continental Europe, Korea, Argentina and Brazil.