Slack launches private channels for temporary private group chats

Team messaging app Slack is launching new feature on group chat. The new feature makes a user in a group to be able to break into a private discussion with up to eight people, nine including the user.

Samsung Galaxy View is the new 18-inch tablet

Samsung Electronics announces the Samsung Galaxy View, an 18.6-inches tablet. This new product is designed to sit between a tablet and TV. But with its 18.6-inch large display, Samsung Galaxy View is less of a tablet and more of a portable touch TV.

UK factory output shrinks in Q3; exports drop

UK's performance in the third quarter further slowed down. The gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in July-September quarter was at 0.6 percent lower than 0.7 percent in the previous quarter.

Obamacare’s benchmark silver insurance plan will increase an average of 7.5%

Obamacare premiums for the benchmark silver insurance plan will increase by an average of 7.5 percent next year. CNN Money writes that the Department of Health and Human Service reported Monday that the increase will be imposed in 37 states through the federal Obamacare exchange.

Latest News

Volkswagen AG, Europe's largest automaker, is maintaining an investment plan to build a new seven-seater sports utility vehicle. It is starting next year at its only manufacturing plant in Tennessee, although beset by issues of cost cuts in the wake of the company's diesel-emission manipulation scandal.
Honda unveiled its third generation fuel cell vehicle, known as FCV, at the Tokyo Motor Show 2015 this week. The five-passenger sedan is the first hydrogen-powered model that Honda has offered to the public.
It seems like Japanese retailers are saying not to believe in official statistics on consumer spending as stores cut earnings forecasts and expects a lackluster consumer spending, which is an important factor in the growth of Japan during a time of declining exports and factory output.
It seems like technology came too late for Martin Brody from the movie Jaws. The government of New South Wales, Australia spent big on advanced technology that can detect sharks to keep beachgoers safe this summer.
A recent study from AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that hands-free technologies are not less distracting on the road for drivers.
IBM has just released news that the IT company is currently under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission on its accounting procedures in the US, Ireland, and Britain.
The US congress is in session to finalize a new budget deal before the current US House Speaker, John Boehner steps down for retirement starting this Friday, October 30th.
Facebook announced a radical revamp on its iOS and Android mobile apps, especially on its notification feature. The new feature designed to provide users with useful notifications cards based on their location.
Qualcomm has created a new kind of chip, Snapdragon processor built into internet-connected security cameras. The company announced the chip along with a reference design for new home monitoring cameras, with the Qualcomm's chip at the core.
Ride sharing app Lyft has conquered Las Vegas as the car service is now available at the McCarran Airport. Hail as the first ride sharing car service to establish at the said new location, Lyft has snatched the first-based spot from their competitor, Uber.
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