Slack launches private channels for temporary private group chats
Team messaging app Slack is launching new feature on group chat. The new feature makes a user in a group to be able to break into a private discussion with up to eight people, nine including the user.
Samsung Galaxy View is the new 18-inch tablet
Samsung Electronics announces the Samsung Galaxy View, an 18.6-inches tablet. This new product is designed to sit between a tablet and TV. But with its 18.6-inch large display, Samsung Galaxy View is less of a tablet and more of a portable touch TV.
UK factory output shrinks in Q3; exports drop
UK's performance in the third quarter further slowed down. The gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in July-September quarter was at 0.6 percent lower than 0.7 percent in the previous quarter.
Obamacare’s benchmark silver insurance plan will increase an average of 7.5%
Obamacare premiums for the benchmark silver insurance plan will increase by an average of 7.5 percent next year. CNN Money writes that the Department of Health and Human Service reported Monday that the increase will be imposed in 37 states through the federal Obamacare exchange.