American Airlines pilots union calls for vote on proposed contract
The union representing American Airlines pilots approved the carrier's final contract offer late Saturday, paving the way for a retroactive 23 percent wage hike if its members concur in a vote this month.
Greek leftist Tsipras says ECB cannot shut Greece out of stimulus
Greek leftwing opposition leader Alexis Tsipras said the European Central Bank (ECB) could not exclude Greece if it decides to move to a full "quantitative easing" program to stimulate the euro zone's faltering economy.
Russia oil output hits post-Soviet high, small firms help
Russia's 2014 oil output hit a post-Soviet record high average of 10.58 million barrels per day (bpd), rising by 0.7 percent helped by small non-state producers, Energy Ministry data showed on Friday.
Senate panel plans to introduce Keystone XL bill next week
The head of the Senate energy committee plans to introduce a bill next week to force approval of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, though the full chamber faces a battle in obtaining needed votes to overcome any veto by President Barack Obama.