Apple margin concerns fade, focus shifts to iPhone launch

A rise in margins has raised hopes that Apple Inc may be able to hold the line on pricing ahead of the launch of new iPhones later this year.

Netflix profit doubles on U.S., foreign subscriber growth

Netflix Inc said on Monday its quarterly profit more than doubled, boosted by strong growth in U.S. and international subscribers as a price increase for its most popular U.S. video streaming plan did not deter new users.

Yahoo to buy analytics startup Flurry to bolster mobile ad business

Yahoo Inc (YHOO.O) will buy mobile analytics startup Flurry to beef up a fast-growing mobile advertisingbusiness that still lags Google Inc's (GOOG.O) and FacebookInc's (FB.O) in scale.

China says to crack down on pornography in mobile apps

China will crack down on smartphone apps featuring pornography and obscene content, the government said on Tuesday, the latest move in an official campaign to 'clean the Internet'.

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After successfully developing an innovative start-up on home soil, the next step for many American companies is setting a course for the great leap across the pond. In case a start-up aims at expanding to the German market, 10 points in regards to PR strategies need to be kept in mind.
Just because a chicken is labeled "organic" does not mean that the bird on your plate lived a bucolic farm life before you cooked it. Inc launched a $9.99-per-month subscription service on Friday that lets customers read as much as they choose from its library of more than 600,000 digital books.
Volatility spiked on Thursday after the tragedy of a downed civilian jetliner in Ukraine and the mounting death toll in Gaza and Israel interrupted the summer trading slumber.
A U.S. consumer lawsuit accusing Google of monopolizing prime real estate on Android smartphones will help mobile rivals like Microsoft make their antitrust case with European regulators should damaging secrets emerge in court.
The Institute of International Finance warned on Friday that further sanctions on Russia would have a "broader chilling effect on Russia" and its companies who are already largely excluded from raising foreign capital.
NQ Mobile Inc, a Chinese mobile security software maker facing allegations of fraud from short-seller Muddy Waters Research Group, said it dismissed PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP as its independent auditor.
A U.S. consumer lawsuit accusing Google of monopolizing prime real estate on Android smartphones will help mobile rivals like Microsoft make their antitrust case with European regulators should damaging secrets emerge in court.
Google Inc (GOOGL.O) (GOOG.O) is the best placed of any company to benefit from the shift to mobile, increased local advertising and wearables, analysts said after the search giant posted its 18th straight quarter of 20 percent-plus revenue growth.
Getting low-risk yield has been one of the toughest challenges for retirees ever since the financial meltdown of 2008-2009. Interest rates are near zero, and many retirees are nervous about bonds out of fear that rates might jump.
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