Monster Worldwide gobbles up US recruiting startups Talentbin and Gozaik

New York, US-based online employment solutions provider Monster Worldwide acquired two recruiting startups, San Francisco's Talentbin and Boston's Gozaik, for an undisclosed sum for growth purposes.

Kantar research reveals Android still trumps rivals but real battle is among OEMs

Android still remains at the top for smartphone sales, getting 70% of sales in the last three months that ended January. However, the real war is among Android makers, TechCrunch reported citing data from Kantar.

Windows unveils new Windows Phone hardware partners in MWC

Nine new hardware partners for its Windows Phone were introduced by officials of technology giant Microsoft at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, VentureBeat reported.

Silicon Valley entrepreneur Steve Perlman introduces wireless tech pCell

Entrepreneur Steve Perlman finally unveiled the wireless technology his self-funded startup Artemis Networks has been working on for the past ten years. It's called pCell, VentureBeat reported.

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Boston, US-based app maker Spritz said it will launch its app that will make reading easier on small devices on the soon-to-come smartphone Galaxy S5 and smartwatch Gear 2 of South Korean electronics giant Samsung.
Mt. Gox Chief Executive Officer Mark Karpelès has resigned as a board member from the Bitcoin Foundation, according to a source interviewed by The WSJ and confirmed by the foundation with a statement on its website.
Makati, Philippines-based real estate investment firm Ayala Land Inc (ALI) bought out the 40% holding of Tokyo, Japan-based trading giant Mitsubishi Corp in Philippine Integrated Energy Solutions Inc (PhilEnergy) for an undisclosed amount.
Investors of large consumer food companies want them to take bolder action than just merely cutting costs as their smaller competitors take on risks and increase market share, Reuters reported.
IBM is going to further enhance its cloud services platform with a $1 billion investment until next year to lure more clients to SoftLayer Technologies Inc in its efforts to improve sales that have declined for the past seven quarters, Bloomberg reported.
Russia displayed an impressive technological show during the closing event of the XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi using the theme Reflections of Russia, which ended with a giant bear putting out the Olympic flame.
San Mateo, US-based open platform as a service Cloud Foundry is about to become more popular by launching the Cloud Foundry Foundation, which will help servers deploy software apps of developers under an open-source Apache license.
Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse were hired by Chinese Internet firm Sina to take care of the debut of its microblogging platform Weibo in New York, according to sources interviewed by the Financial Times.
Illinois, US-based agricultural giant Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) invested $25 million in equity in Menlo Park, California-based renewable chemicals firm Rennovia as its latest venture into renewable plastics.
West Perth, Australia-based public exploration and mining firm Golden Rim Resources raised $491,000 in placement to continue developing its Balogo project in Burkina Faso, Africa while the firm is still trying to determine other funding options.
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