Report says oil and gas in emerging markets new target by private equity

A recent report by Ernst & Young and Mergermarket projected increase in private equity activity in the oil and gas sectors, especially in emerging markets.

Whistleblower says buyout firms gain in transaction fees by brokering takeover deals

An unnamed private equity insider filed a complaint with the US Securities and Exchange Commission claiming that private equity firms KKR, TPG and Goldman benefited from the leveraged buyout of Texas-based utility TXU by acting as unlicensed brokers and collecting massive transaction fees in the process.

Rio Tinto to cut capital spending in half by 2015

As the second-biggest mining company in the world, Rio Tinto Group, struggles against the drop in mineral prices, the company resolved to reduce its capital spending to around USD8 billion in 2015.


Columbus Nova, a New York-based multi-strategy investment firm, announced today that it will acquire a controlling interest in the CIFC.

Latest News

China's biggest hydroelectric dam contractor Sinohydro Group Ltd. will be investing up to USD39.2 million in an hydroelectric project in Laos. The said company will also be investing USD724 million in a construction project in Shandong province.
Spotify, a popular music-streaming service, confirmed its receipt of a USD250 million investment in a recent funding and also said it paid around USD500 million in royalties to artists this year.
Portugal is raising EUR578 million (USD783 million) in the initial public offering of its postal service CTT-Correios de Portugal SA. The Portuguese government is divesting its 70% stake in the mail service.
German startup navabi, which sells designer brand clothing online, drew EUR10 million in new Series C funding from institutional investors led by private equity firm Index Ventures.
According to sources interviewed by Bloomberg, private equity firm KKR & Co has hired Goldman Sachs Group Inc to assist them in the sale of UN Ro-Ro Isletmeleri, a Turkish shipping company.
Top credit ranking Johnson & Johnson reportedly sold USD3.5 billion in a six-part bond issue, its first offering in the last two years. Proceeds from the deal will be used to pay the health care product manufacturer's outstanding debt.
Joint venture company Tata Cleantech Capital Ltd said in a Bloomberg interview that it could finance up to USD 401 million in Indian renewable and energy efficient projects.
Betfair, a UK-based online gambling firm, said it is setting its sights on Italy and the US after retreating from other markets due to tax rates and unfavorable regulations.
Dubai property firm DAMAC raised USD348 million in its first trading day in the London Stock Exchange. A week ago, DAMAC reduced the deal size to USD400 million and fixed the final price at USD12.25 per global depositary receipt (GDR).
Negotiations between GAIL India and UK-based Ophir Energy about a possible sale of the latter's stake in Tanzania gas assets are still ongoing. Ophir's earlier share sale deal with Pavilion Energy has been initially seen as a setback in the talks.