Report says oil and gas in emerging markets new target by private equity
A recent report by Ernst & Young and Mergermarket projected increase in private equity activity in the oil and gas sectors, especially in emerging markets.
Whistleblower says buyout firms gain in transaction fees by brokering takeover deals
An unnamed private equity insider filed a complaint with the US Securities and Exchange Commission claiming that private equity firms KKR, TPG and Goldman benefited from the leveraged buyout of Texas-based utility TXU by acting as unlicensed brokers and collecting massive transaction fees in the process.
Rio Tinto to cut capital spending in half by 2015
As the second-biggest mining company in the world, Rio Tinto Group, struggles against the drop in mineral prices, the company resolved to reduce its capital spending to around USD8 billion in 2015.
Columbus Nova, a New York-based multi-strategy investment firm, announced today that it will acquire a controlling interest in the CIFC.