Multichannel bags USD3 million to track marketing spend

Hong Kong-based tech startup Multichannel raised USD3 million in a seed round from angel investors in Asia and Europe to be used for the improvement of the company's marketing spend tracker.

SEC ex-chief says dual share law has additional safeguard measures

In order to protect shareholder's interests, U.S. allows companies to have dual share structures but with additional safeguard measures as the Securities and Futures Commission last month declined to provide a waiver to Alibaba to nominate a majority of directors from its 28 partners.

Loeb: USD 1 billion stake in SoftBank Corp; Einhorn warns of "bubble-like" conditions

Third Point's Daniel Loeb said he held more than USD 1 billion stake in Softbank Corp while Greenlight Capital's David Einhorn warned of "bubble-like" conditions in some stocks in the Robin Hood Investors Conference.

$800M settlement over Madoff Funds falls apart

A USD800 million settlement between feeder fund Kingate Management and bankruptcy trustee Irving Picard has collapsed. The Justice Department ruled out feeder funds from payouts out of the USD2.35 billion Madoff Victim Fund.

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A recent survey by analytics company Worthworm found that 46% of Angel investors regretted the investments they made in 2013 because of overly optimistic financial projection and unrealistic pre-money valuations.
US-based party goods retailer Party City Holdings Inc is preparing for a potential initial public offering (IPO) in early 2014, according to anonymous sources familiar with the matter.
Officials of Jefferson County in Alabama said it had arrived at a new agreement with its Wall Street creditors that would pave the way for its exit from its USD 4.2 billion bankruptcy.
Nyeri County and Karatina University in Kenya are working on a project that can turn sewage into biogas that can power the local water pumps and reduce electricity costs.
A report from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization revealed that political will and farmer involvement are crucial for biotech research and innovation to succeed in reducing poverty in developing countries.
Independent Bank Group, Inc., the holding company for Independent Bank, today announced that Independent Bank Group has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire BOH Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiary, Bank of Houston, Houston, Texas.
The following bids, mergers, acquisitions and disposals were reported on Thursday including Omnicom, General Motors, Deutsche Telekom, Devon Energy and others
Harvard University has resorted to suing Chime Master Systems over a dispute over a cracked church bell a few months after the installation of a new clapper unit.
Sources name the Carlyle Group LP and a combined group from Danaher Corp and Blackstone Group LP to have successfully advanced to the final stage of sale negotiations for J&J's diagnostics unit
Deutsche Telekom announced on Thursday that it would be selling its 70 percent stake of Scout24 to the SF-based Hellman & Friendman group while still retaining a 30 percent stake. The deal is worth 2 billion EU.