Tags: China
Xiao becomes gray after IPO freeze in China
China Stock Market top regulator Xiao Gang attended a meeting in July with gray hair which sparked debates if he was overwhelmed with challenges confronting Asia's worse stock market or he has just ceased in dying his hair.
Huawei penetrates growing Nepal telecom industry
Nepal's telecom industry expanded after aggressive importing. According to the Nepal Telecommunications Authority, imports of telecom related equipment almost reached double the amount of last year.
Smartphone buyers prioritize features over looks,price
According to research, the iPhone's release revolutionized how costumers picked their gadgets. According to analysts, consumers have shifted from buying only based on the price tag.
Chinese Huawei penetrates Saudi Arabia
Huawei launched their first product on Saudi Arabia in a Riyadh conference last night. Chinese mobile phone manufacturer Huawei formally entered the Saudi Arabian market, vying for a place in the hotly contested smartphone industry sales race.