Mainstay Medical raises €18M in Dublin and Paris listing

Dublin, Ireland-based medical startup Mainstay Medical raised €18M as it completed a listing in the Iris Stock Exchange (ISE) to fund the clinical trials for its product in the US and Europe next year.

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Brussels launches in-depth probe into Ineos-Solvay deal

Brussels had launched a full state investigation on the joint venture between Solvay and Ineos due to antitrust concerns.

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European Commission continues to evaluate financial transaction tax

European Commissioner Algirdas Semeta said work would continue on the proposed financial transaction tax.

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EU aims to restructure telecoms market

EU submits a list of proposals aimed to improve the EU telecommunications industry.

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CORRECTED: Local staff in ECCC remain unpaid, set to strike

Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) was to receive USD4 million as part of the international donor component of its finances.

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Greece recession remains critical

Greece's economy still critical despite slight improvement.

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Google's search results scrutinized by EU

Google's search results were scrutinized by EU antitrust regulators.

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Ministers expected to approve latest disbursement of bailout aid to Greece worth Eur8.1 billion

Greece was expected to receive Eur8.1 billion from Euro-area finance ministers.

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U.S.-EU free trade negotiations finally start

The European Union and the United States begun their talks about world's largest trade and investment relationship.

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Greece To Seek Aid From Foreign Lenders

On Sunday, Greek and EU officials said that Greece is likely to reach a deal with foreign lenders regarding its bailout review.

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China Investigates Dumping of EU Wine

China started its investigation on the "dumping" of EU wine in the country.

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Alstom fronts credit risk-driven bond sale

Alstom said that it will sell its bonds as Euro credit risk declines.

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EU Approves ICE's $8.2 billion Acquisition of NYSE Euronext Without Conditions

The Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) was given unconditional approval to acquire NYSE Euronext for US$8.2 billion.

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EU companies rewarded for 'bravery'

Europe's better performance gave companies who used 'brave' investments good results.

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Greece to sell of stakeholdings in Hellenic Petroleum, DEPA and DESFA

Greece is required to sell off its energy company shareholdings as part of their bailout deal.

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