Tags: Google
Amazon quietly acquires Silicon Valley-based mobile payments startup GoPago for new project
E-commerce giant Amazon may have quietly bought Silicon Valley-based mobile payments startup Gopago for an undisclosed amount for a new "ambitious" project, according to Italian newspapers.
California stealth firm Luxvue nabs $25.2M for micro-LED tech project
Santa Clara, California-based stealth micro-LED technology firm LuxVue Technology Corp has raised $25.2 million in funding, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Google considers design of own server processors, possible threat to Intel Corp- report
Search giant Google is said to be thinking about designing its own server processor, a move seen as a likely threat to the market dominance of Intel Corp, Bloomberg reported.
Google intends to invest $600 million in Taiwan data center
Google said it would be investing $600 million in its data center in Taiwan in order to better serve the needs of the technology consumers in the region.