Tags: Google

Developer seeks funds for HTC dual boot app

Paul O'Brien developed an app that enables HTC One users to switch between Sense and Google Experience.

Student filmmakers explore Google Glass

Google asked the help of student filmmakers to explore Google Glass. Google enlisted the help of film students to explore how Google Glass can be used to make documentary films, character development, location-based storytelling as well as "other things" the company has not yet considered.

Mobile shift left mixed results for Google in its wake

The mobile shift left mixed results for the search engine giant, Google. Internet industry observers saw consumers shift from using web to mobile devices in accessing the internet.

Google and others cry “foul” over patent fee sequestration

Google and companies cry “foul” over patent fee sequestration by Congress. There was a plan to limit certain litigation practices of firms on buying patents and suing other companies for infringement.

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After the announcement of their merger, Omnicom and Publicis are now targeting industry giants like Google, Tweeter and Facebook for their advertising.
Google Apps and Google Cloud Platform could earn US$200 million each quarter. Google's enterprise division was comprised of several offerings that aid the operations of businesses.
Analysts believed that Apple could improve its sales by allowing the Macintosh to fit well with cloud technology.
Microsoft admitted that it could not vie against Google on price when it comes to selling cloud services.
Analysts said that Apple's investors should welcome Google's Chromecast because they would benefit through the dongle.
Google is expecting a revenue growth decline in the future as it shifts to a mobile operating environment.
According to several analysts, the mobile ad boom of Facebook would provide an excellent model for other social networking sites.
The US FTC updated its 2012 advertising guidelines and sent a letter warning Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and other internet search companies to follow or be fined.
Google's mess in China should concern the company as it brings risks of being used as a blueprint in the US.
Google discontinued its Chromecast-Netflix subscription promo after receiving "overwhelming demand".
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