Tags: Investors

Gardner Denver's investors to meet separately in New York and London

The US investors for the buyout of Gardner Denver's investors would be meeting in London and New York.

Bond investments experience capital flight

Many investors are divesting their bond holdings because of current economic conditions. (Photo : Reuters)The image are two bond traders on the floor of a stock exchange.

Subsidy increase does little to appease renewable energy investors

Investors in the wind farm industry and renewable energy sector are still doubting the stability of the market even after a 10% increase in subsidy.

Investors meet at Premoney Conference

More than 300 investors gathered at the Premoney Conference in San Francisco. (Photo : Reuters )Investors betting on a rise in stocks, bonds and commodities advised to make preparation for a loud sucking sound in their portfolios next month.

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A new CEO and new funding greets the future of STAT-Diagnostica. (Photo : Reuters)This is an image of a commonly used procedure in medical diagnostics, electrodes on skin to measure movement and activity.
Card Scanning Solutions gains Insight Venture Partners, Red Oak Growth Partners and Egis Capital Partners as investors.
Foreign investors, such as China and Japan, have started divesting their US bond holdings. (Photo : Reuters)The image is a bunch of 'Benjamins' in a row.
High yield investors flee from the European junk bond market as funding costs increase. (Photo : reuters) This is an image of investors instenely watching the stock market.
TVA Medical raised US$5.9 million from Series B financing for minimally invasive technology for End Stage Renal Failure patients.
Myanmar opens its doors to foreign investors to explore the country's abundance in natural gas.
Mobiquity was able to raise US$12 million in series B financing for its geographic expansion goals. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the corporate logo of Mobiquity.
Pirelli chairman seeks to include new investors after falling out with major partner in the Pirelli investment.
BEH sets meeting for possible investors for its Eur250 million bond issue. Reuters reported that the biggest energy holdings firm of Bulgaria, BEH, will be sitting down with possible investors in its EUR250 million or US$321.
Skyword secures new US$6.7 million of capital funding. Skyword announced today that it was able to secure US$6. 7 million at the recently concluded growth capital round headed by Cox Media Group.
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