Tags: Iphone 6 release

Apple iPhone 6 Can Push Stocks to All Time High

At the Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple unveiled some of its upcoming offerings including the iCloud Drive and iOS 8. The iOS 8 gave a sneak peak on what devices like the iPhone 6 and iPad series will provide. As more details about the iPhone 6 emerge, industry observers and analysts wonder if the company can surpass its previous iPhone performances. According to predictions including the one from Goldman Sachs, Apple’s next handset release may push stock price to record heights.

Apple iPhone 6 and other iOS Devices to Feature Bendable OLED and Shock-Proof Displays

Tech companies have to produce new innovative gadgets to stand out from the increasing competition. There is considerable pressure to tech manufacturers to introduce something new more than just the usual upgrades to gain better market position. Previously, the hype was on producing the best camera and screen resolution possible. These days, tech giants like Samsung and Apple focus their attention on more durable and bendable screens. Recent patent grants reveal that Apple has been working on producing drop-proof and OLED displays.

Apple iPhone 6 Cannot Deliver Full HD Expectations, iPhone 6 to Feature 1704x960 Display

Apple has been making the headlines for its upcoming iPhone 6. It has gathered even more hype following reports that the company wants to come out with a large-screen or phablet edition. Whereas there have been many predictions and tips about the phablet iPhone 6, the final details have yet to be announced. According to recent information, Apple may not be able to deliver the HD expectations that many industry analysts predicted. The tech giant may have to stick with a 1704 x 960 display for the meantime.

Apple iPhone 6 Wallet Release Will Benefit Credit Card Companies and Challenge PayPal

Analysts and industry experts have predicted for years about Apple’s possible inclusion of the near-field communications technology to its handset series. However, that has not happened but analysts remain hopeful. According to recent information, Apple may be planning on including a touch-less mobile payment system on the next iPhone 6. The tech giant has been developing its Wallet application in coordination with financing and banking institutions.

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