Tags: Mark Ruffalo

"Avengers 2: Age of Ultron" Spoilers: Characters' costumes rumors; Iron Man equips Mark 43 and Mark 44 [VIDEO]

"Avengers 2: Age of Ultron" is set to hit the big screen featuring the all-time loved superheroes - Thor, Black Widow, Iron Man, and Hulk. James Spader signed on a contract to be the most reviled villain. Reports theorize he will be on the movie, at least his voice - for Ultron is composed of metal.

Iron Man, The Hulk to fuse on one movie - Will Robert Downey Jr. drop Iron Man role?

Tony Stark "Iron Man" (Robert Downey Jr.) and Bruce Banner "The Hulk" (Mark Ruffalo) might have the chance of being on the same movie. Robert is thinking if he'll pursue being the world's iconic Iron Man.

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