Tags: Oil

Asian buyers of U.S. LNG dial back as exuberance dims

A looming gas glut worldwide is prompting Japanese and Indian firms to resell to European traders and utilities big chunks of U.S. liquefied natural gas they had committed to buy several years ago, signaling tempered enthusiasm for U.S. energy.

Dollar's rally bad news for oil, multinationals

The asset with the greatest prowess of late has been the U.S. dollar, and if its rally continues, it threatens to eat into the earnings of multinational companies.

Canoe 2014 Flow-Through LP Raises $51.4 Million

Canoe Financial LP (the "Manager" or "Canoe") announced today that it has completed the second and final closing for the initial public offering (the "Offering") of limited partnership units ("Units") of Canoe 2014 Flow-Through LP (the "Partnership") in each of the provinces of Canada, except Quebec.

Saudi Arabia joins shale gas economy

By utilizing shale gas reserves in the country, Saudi Arabia can use the now popular energy resource for local purposes and use its oil for exclusively for export purposes.

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The oil consortium led by Essar oil is questioning a planned move to rescind an award over oil fields made seventeen years ago.
Zambia would invest US$410 million to build an oil refinery that could lower the fuel costs. Christopher Yaluma, Zambia's Mines and Energy Minister, stated that the country planned to build an oil refinery worth US$410 million.
Russia announced that it would lift its oil exports in Asia and consequently decrease the distribution for Europe.
As part of India's ongoing campaign to attract investors, the Oil Minister approved the raising of natural gas prices.
After China's interest in the Pak-Iran pipeline project, the ties between the two countries are said the have been strengthened.
The upbeat statistics on shares, bonds and oil continue to improve after US central banker's attempt to ease fear.
PTT CEO announced his plan on investing billions of dollars in Myanmar. (Photo : Reuters)A man counts US dollars and Myanmar kyats at a money changer in Yangon March 21, 2012.
Grupo BTG purchases Petrobras oil interests in Africa. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the facade of the corporate headquarters of Brazilian oil conglomerate Petrobras.
A decline in oil prices weakend the Canadian dollar against most of its trading partners, including its number one customer, the United States.
Brent Crude trades lower than US$100 per barrel after OPEC keeps its production target constant. (Photo : Reuters)A gas station employee filling up a vehicle.
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