Tags: Orange is the New Black Season 3 News

‘Orange is the New Black’ Season 3 Latest Updates: Ruby Rose’s threatens Alex and Piper tandem

Orange is the New Black will air on June 12 at Netflix. New characters will cause more damage inside Litchfield.

‘Orange is the New Black’ Season 3 Latest Spoilers: Show focuses on motherhood; Kohan shared frustration over Emmys?

"Orange is the New Black" has more dramas and cat fights for its third Season. I'm sure you can hardly wait this June, 2015. Watch out for the meaty episodes.

‘Orange Is the New Black’ Season 3 Spoilers: Creator wants more nudity in the show; Find out the series’ new theme

“Orange Is the New Black” creator Jenji Kohan admits that she wants to incorporate more nudity in the show and fans of the Netflix hit should watch out if that will pan out during the show’s third season. Season 3 will take motherhood and faith as its new theme as the dramedy hits online streaming on June 12.

‘Orange is the New Black’ Season 3 Spoilers: What happens to Alex, Piper relationship? Pornstache’s mother to haunt inmates

What should we expect from Orange is the New Black Season 3? Is Litchfield going to be more chaotic? Will there be bloody brawls? Learn more from here.

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Orange is the New Black Season 3 will be aired this coming June 2015. What would be the plot this time? We are sure it's going to be awesome.
Orange is the New Black is getting more interesting this season. What will happen to our favorite inmates? Let's all find out.
Orange is the New Black will give us more characters. The new season will defintely be chaotic and fun!
Orange is the New Black will return on Netflix midyear of 2015. Fans are getting crazy to see Alex and Piper once again.
Orange is the New Black promises funnier episodes on their third season. What are the show creators up to this time?
Prepare to see the "Orange Girls" it it off and add color to the already interesting life behind bars in the television series, "Orange is the New Black". Enjoy the one of a kind drama-comedy theme we all have learned to love from Netflix.