Tags: Samsung Galaxy S5

Samsung Galaxy S5 Active Found on AnTuTu and FCC, Features Revealed

Samsung has introduced the flagship Samsung Galaxy S5 last February last Mobile World Congress. The Korean tech giant released the device in April and since then the Galaxy S5 has been gaining excellent traction. Recent information say that the adoption of the Galaxy S5 has been greater compared to the Samsung Galaxy S4. Similar to its previous moves, the company will reportedly be releasing an “Active” variant of the latest flagship.

Top Android Smartphones for 2014

Android smartphones have been dominating the market share for quite some time now. Here are some of the top smartphones for 2014. Consumers looking for their handset can find these devices ideal for different types of needs.

Samsung Way Behind Apple as Samsung Galaxy S4 Sales Drop, Same with Samsung Galaxy S5?

Samsung Samsung Electronics Co Ltd fell short of its expected quarterly profit for the second time. Despite the decline in sales, the South Korean tech giant expects earnings to pick up and become stronger in this year’s second quarter. The company is betting on its high end smartphones and televisions to deliver growth.

Review: Samsung Galaxy S5

Samsung Galaxy S5 has been released with new features but looks more like the Galaxy S4, reviewed The Independent.

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