Tags: Shareholders

Phuong Tay Bank Merges with Petrovietnam Finance

Phuong Tay merges with PVFC as ordered by the Vietnamese Central Bank. In compliance with the Vietnamese central bank's goals to restructure lending institutions saddled with debt, Phuong Tay Bank is planning to merge with Petrovietnam Finance Corp.

AIG Stockholders Win vs. US Gov't

Two separate suits granted class action status against the US government by AIG shareholders. Two separate groups of shareholders have been granted class action status from a US Federal Court judge.

Mary Schapiro to GE Board

GE nominates Schapiro to its Board. General Electric Co has nominated former chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission to its Board of Directors.

Coach Bargain Shares Attract Takeover Bids

Coach's financial performance makes it ripe for rival bids. Coach Inc, the maker of luxury handbags and heels are now giving bargains for its luxury brand.

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Agrium draws battle lines with hedge fund Jana Partners. Agrium the fertilizer maker is at war with its biggest shareholder Jana Partners when the Agrium criticized the plan of Jana to break up the company.
Proxy advisers clamoring for job split for Disney's Iger. Walt Disney Co. shareholders have been advised by proxy advisers ISS and Glass and Lewis & Co to urge the split of CEO and Chairman duties currently held by Robert Iger.
Barclays to issue convertible bonds for more capital. Barclays, in a move to address possible concerns, is formulating a plan to seek shareholder approval to sell bonds that are convertible to shares should the bank hit troubled waters.
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