Tags: Social Security

Social Security’s New In-Person ID Checks Spark Backlash from Advocates,

Social Security's New In-Person ID Checks Spark Backlash from Advocates, Retirees

Social Security's new in-person ID verification policy sparks backlash from retirees and advocates over accessibility concerns.

Trump Proposes Ending Taxes on Social Security Benefits for Seniors

Donald Trump has proposed eliminating federal income taxes on Social Security benefits for seniors, potentially reducing federal revenue by up to $1.8 trillion over the next decade.

Social Security Payments Worth Over $4,800 To Go Out This Week; Here’s When You’ll Get Yours

The new round of monthly payments will be sent out to eligible retirees born on or after the 21st of a month.

Social Security Benefits Lost 20% of Buying Power Due to Inflation, Outlook for 2025 Is Grim

To compensate for the lost value, payments would need to increase to more than $4,400 a year. Read more here.

Latest News

2025 Social Security COLA: Expected Impact on Disability Benefits
The anticipation surrounds the projected 2025 COLA increase for SSDI, with experts already considering potential impacts on disability income.
Social Security Implements New Rule: Five-Year Work History for Disability
Social Security plans to simplify the disability evaluation process by reducing the required work history period to five years, aiming to streamline eligibility determinations for disability benefits.
Social Security Falls Short for Gig Workers' Retirement Needs—What's the Solution?
The Social Security Administration is ending up denying disability benefits based on an outdated jobs database that includes obsolete occupations like nut sorter and microfilm processor.
Social Security Implements New Rule: Five-Year Work History for Disability
Self-employed individuals can qualify for SSI payments by meeting specific eligibility criteria outlined by the Social Security Administration, ensuring they receive the financial support they need.
Social Security Payment Worth Up to $4,873: Who's Eligible to Receive on July 10?
Learn how you may be able to retain overpayments from Social Security benefits with this informative guide.
Social Security Payment 2025: Here’s the Actual Amount You May Receive Next Year as Chances of Increase Rise
An overview of the projected Social Security payment for 2025 reveals potential increases as the likelihood of a rise in benefits grows
Social Security Payment Worth Up to $4,873: Who's Eligible to Receive on July 10?
Social Security recipients usually paid in the second week of the month may experience a delay until the next week.
Social Security Payment 2025: Here’s the Actual Amount You May Receive Next Year as Chances of Increase Rise
The anticipation is high for the 2025 Social Security COLA, expected to potentially deliver the largest increase in years, based on current trends and projections.
Social Security Payment Worth Up to $4,873: Who's Eligible to Receive on July 10?
Social Security recipients are projected to receive an additional $60 per month in 2025, with benefits rising by approximately 3.2 percent due to persistent inflation, according to new estimates.
Here Are Some Things US Seniors Need to Know About Retiring Abroad
With a growing number of people in the US choosing to retire elsewhere, those doing so are advised to research thoroughly on where to retire and enjoy their Social Security payments as much as possible.
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