Tags: Spacex

SpaceX delays launch of Falcon 9 rocket to chill rocket's propellant

SpaceX postponed the scheduled Florida launch of a Falcon 9 rocket for at least 24 hours to allow extra time to chill the rocket’s propellant.

Venture Capital Investment in Space Startups Surged in 2015

Based on a report from defense and aerospace consulting firm there was a huge increase for investment in space travel during 2015. Space startup investment in last year were accounted two-third of the 15 years in total.

The Reason Behind Google's $1 Billion Investment in SpaceX Last Year

Google made a big investment last year to SpaceX, as a mean to help the company build space-based internet communication system. Meanwhile, SpaceX is scheduled to launched by February 24.

DFJ Raises $350 Million Fund As Its 12th Fund

Draper Fisher Jurvetson (DFJ) has raised another venture capital fund. The firm raised $350 million as its twelfth fund. DFJ is interested to invest autonomous transportation, digital health, enterprise transformation, and artificial intelligence.

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As part of its objective to promote industrial and business activity, Florida County has offered incentives to Blue Origin to make and launch rockets near NASA's Kennedy Space Center. Blue Origin has been promoted by billionaire Jeff Bezos, founder and Chief Executive of Amazon.com. The space center is coming up in Brevard County.
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies had agreed to work with Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum and engineering design company, Aecom, to build Elon Musk's vision; the Hyperloop tube.
A NASA-funded study shows that humans could get back to the moon in the next ten years, and could live there in another ten years.
Elon Musk has identified the possible reason why SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket exploded mid-air on June 28th. And he says there's a valuable lesson to be learned.
Elon Musk, the brain behind Tesla, SolarCity, and SpaceX, has previously presented what he calls the fifth mode of transport - the Hyperloop.
An unmanned Delta 4 rocket blasted off from Florida on Wednesday to deliver the ninth of 12 next-generation Global Positioning System satellites into orbit.
Billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson's Virgin Group may take on Tesla Motors Inc and other companies in developing electric cars, Bloomberg reported on Thursday.
A pair of U.S. astronauts floated outside the International Space Station on Saturday to begin rigging parking spots for two commercial space taxis.
Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX), founded by Elon Musk, said it has raised about $1 billion in a financing round with two new investors, Google Inc and Fidelity.
Check out the videos of the Falcon 9 mission carried out by Elon Musk and his company, SpaceX. SpaceX's highly-anticipated rocket launch on Saturday started on high energy, but ended in a dud.
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