Tags: Sprint Nextel Corp.

S&P Lowers SoftBank's Rating After Winning Sprint Deal

S&P lowered SoftBank's rating after winning the bid on Sprint. According to a statement by Standard & Poor, SoftBank ratings were lowered from BBB to the highest non-investment grade of BB+, with a stable outlook.

FCC approves Sprint deals

The FCC approved Sprint's acquisition of Clearwire and SoftBank's investment on Sprint. After a unanimous vote, the Federal Communications Commission announced that it approved the transactions between SoftBank Corp, Sprint Nextel Corp.

Crest supports Sprint's bid for Clearwire shares

Crest Financial said it was supporting Sprint's purchase of Clearwire's stake after Spint increased its bid from US$2.97 to US$5.0 per share.

Son: T-Mobile Deal Is Plan B

Softbank Corp's CEO, Masayoshi Son said that a deal with T-Mobile will be his Plan B if he fails to acquire Sprint Nextel.

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The Federal Communications Commission through its website announces no objection with the SoftBank offered bid of US$20.1 billion to acquire Sprint Nextel.
Glass Lewis advices shareholders to hold off the takeover vote for SoftBank Corp's takeover bid on June 12.