Tags: Street Fighter

‘Tekken X Street Fighter’ Crossover Update: Release date set in next two years? Game's development team hard at work

“Tekken X Street Fighter” is currently under development with a 40 man team. Game developers will release the game with a big surprise.

‘Street Fighter V’ PS4, PC Release Date: Game Roster Limited to 16 Characters on Launching; Gameplay Comes Out with Better Effects

“Street Figher V” will be released exclusively on PlayStation 4 and PC on March 2016. Game may include a small roster of characters according to developers.

‘Street Fighter V’ Release Date Update: Game launches this March on PS4; Capcom unveils New Era of Playing

“Street Fighter V” has been one of the most highly anticipated fighting games since it was revealed last year. Capcom intends to push the limits of PlayStation 4 and bring the fighting game to a new era.

'Street Fighter V' Release Date, Price: PS4 Explosive New Title Coming Out This March; New Teaser Trailer, Characters, Mechanics Unveiled

Street Fighter V release date is a couple of months away and season SF fans couldn’t get more excited to get their hands on this new PS4 and PC exclusive fighting title this March.

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