Disruptive Legislation: France re-examines taxi law amid Uber's rise
France is rethinking its taxi laws with the rising demand for Uber and other online ride-hailing services. France's Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron says key players are meeting next month to re-examine the industry's economic model.
Gogoro, the first smartscooter will start shipping its 400 pre-ordered units in Taipei
The company Gogoro will start shipping preordered Gogoro Smart Scooter in Taipei. The Taiwanese company started to accept orders on June 27 adding up Gogoro Plus, Gogoro's newest series in silver, blue, orange and yellow. The basic model costs $4000 while Gogoro Plus costs $4300.
Elon Musk points to faulty strut as likely cause of SpaceX rocket failure
Elon Musk has identified the possible reason why SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket exploded mid-air on June 28th. And he says there's a valuable lesson to be learned.
Using Apple Pay for Tube journey in London? Ensure your battery doesn’t drain out
As Apple Pay is rolled out successfully in U.K., it is welcomed as a boon by several people in the country for making petite payments such as for tube travel, pound stores, confectionaries, and coffee shops