United States
CoreValve system of Medtronic Inc posts high survival rate than traditional open heart surgery
Results of a study showed that the CoreValve system of Medtronic Llc posted a significantly higher rate of survival among patients who opted for the procedure than those who underwent open heart surgery, Reuters reported.
PonoPlayer surpasses $5M mark on Kickstarter with 16 days more campaign days to go
Neil Young's PonoMusic was able to raise over $5 million for its Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for its PonoPlayer with 16 more days to go before the campaign ends, TechCrunch reported.
Paul Graham hands responsibilities of Hacker News to others
As part of his move to step back from Y Combinator, Paul Graham announced that others would be taking over the responsibilities of Hacker News, TechCrunch reported.
Credit card security firm says lawsuit filed against it on Target breach without basis
Chicago-based Trustwave Holdings Inc denied allegations on the lawsuit filed by two lenders that it managed Target's data security and processed the data of its cardholders, Reuters reported.