United States
Carrot launches new judgmental weight-loss app Carrot Fit
Carrot, the family of apps that helps people manage daily goals and tasks, launched Carrot Fit on iTunes, a judgmental and sarcastic talking app that helps user track weight loss with a combination of rewards and punishments.
California tech firm Tango crowdfunds smartphone-sized portable PC
California, US-based tech firm Tango launched a crowdfunding project on Indiegogo for its new portable computer, which is just the size of a smartphone and the capacity of a full quad-core Windows PC.
Qualtrics receives $70 million in funding after waiting 12 years
Bootstrapping first and waiting before finally agreeing to financing from venture capital was beneficial for Qualtrics, an enterprise survey provider, according to its CEO Ryan Smith in an interview with Entrepreneur.
Compensation for Blankfein, executives deviate from Wall Street trader pay crunch
Analysts told Bloomberg that the increases in chief executive officers of the top banks in the US usually means that the banks had performed above expectations.