United States

Carrot launches new judgmental weight-loss app Carrot Fit

Carrot, the family of apps that helps people manage daily goals and tasks, launched Carrot Fit on iTunes, a judgmental and sarcastic talking app that helps user track weight loss with a combination of rewards and punishments.

California tech firm Tango crowdfunds smartphone-sized portable PC

California, US-based tech firm Tango launched a crowdfunding project on Indiegogo for its new portable computer, which is just the size of a smartphone and the capacity of a full quad-core Windows PC.

Qualtrics receives $70 million in funding after waiting 12 years

Bootstrapping first and waiting before finally agreeing to financing from venture capital was beneficial for Qualtrics, an enterprise survey provider, according to its CEO Ryan Smith in an interview with Entrepreneur.

Compensation for Blankfein, executives deviate from Wall Street trader pay crunch

Analysts told Bloomberg that the increases in chief executive officers of the top banks in the US usually means that the banks had performed above expectations.

Latest News

While incumbent California Governor Jerry Brown has not expressed his plans to run again, donors like Exxon Mobile, Facebook Inc and Microsoft Corp have contributed to his campaign chest, Bloomberg reported.
Coupons.com, the online coupon firm backed by T. Rowe Price Group Inc and Passport Ventures, has filed for an IPO of up to $100 million with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Reuters reported.
Applications filed with the US Department of Transportation by Easter Air Lines Group Inc in order to take the long-defunct Eastern Air back to the skies again, Reuters again.
Activist investor Daniel Loeb's Third Point Llc can no longer count on Rhode Island as one of its clients after the state's Investment Commission voted to pull out its investment in the hedge fund, Reuters reported.
Water technology investments have not been popular, but the threat of drought and concerns about a fast-growing population has started a slow change in this area, Gigaom reported.
According to Reuters, Lone Star is itching to exit from German bank IKB as European Central Bank and the European Banking Authority will begin to run mandatory health tests in banks this year.
Wayfair, an online home-furnishings site, saw its company valuation hiked past the billion - dollar mark when it recently raised $150 million in a T. Rowe Price - led fundraising round, said a source who told Reuters.
LightSquared Inc seemed to have marked a small milestone towards getting out of bankruptcy when on Friday, it told a state court that it has been working with its creditors regarding a plan to restructure the company's assets.
Apple Inc is facing claims amounting to $840 million from state attorneys general and plaintiffs, which included consumers, in lawsuits related to the pricing of electronic books, Bloomberg reported.
Technology giant Apple Inc is said to be making a play into the mobile medical health space as evidenced by its development of the iWatch and other products, CNET reported.
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