United States
CrowdFranchise.com offers new twist on crowdfunding
If you've always wanted to own a franchise of Forever Yogurt but can't afford to, CrowdFranchise.com allows prospective investors to become an owner for as low as $1,000.
American digital media firm SpinMedia acquires itself, nabs $10M in funding
Hollywood, US-based digital media firm SpinMedia Group acquired SpinMedia LLC for an undisclosed amount, and poured in $10 million in funding to deal with the company's debts.
USA Hockey team uses video game Intelligym to train for Olympics
USA Hockey uses Intelligym, a game-like program that helps improve mental performance and team work, to train the U17 and U18 teams for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.
California-based TradeYa Inc raises $1.1M in a seed round
Barter platform TradeYa Inc was able to raise $1.1 million for its seed round. The company's mobile app allows users to trade goods and services online.