United States

China's Shuanghui to fight for control over Campofrio

Hong Kong-based Shuanghui International Holdings intends to offer a counter bid for Spanish meat processor Campofrio. Mexican food company Sigma Alimentos earlier offered Campofrio a takeover deal worth EUR695 million.

US cable firm Charter raising USD25 billion for Time Warner acquisition -source

Charter Communications Inc is raising USD25 billion in debt to fund the acquisition of Time Warner Cable Inc, according to a source familiar with the matter.

Bitcoin gets competition from rival virtual currencies

The competition is growing in the world of virtual currencies as other rivals tout their advantages over the bitcoin, a report from The New Y0rk Times The Dealbook reveals.

Deutsche Bank looks to sell Tilney to Permira

German bank Deutsche Bank AG is reportedly negotiating the sale of Tilney Investment Management to British private equity firm Permira. Permira has beaten other rival bidders for Tilney, including Brown Shipley & Co.

Latest News

The wider acceptance of bitcoins reportedly brought its trading value at over the USD 1,000 mark on Mt. Gox, encouraging speculators to grab their share of the virtual currency.
Although Bitcoin and gold are driven by the same demand for alternative currencies, one fared better than the other. Wall Street Journal said investors are rushing to invest in Bitcoin as gold loses its appeal.
Israeli computer scientists Dorit Ron and Adi Shamir retreated their claims in a report they published citing a financial link between the Bitcoin payment system and the operator of Internet black market Silk Road.
Online shopping website Amazon is set to dominate this holiday season, rising above other ecommerce rivals and traditional retailers and hitting a 54% increase in its stock this year.
US retailers will spend more on digital advertising this year. According to an eMarketer report, retailers will increase their budgets by 15.7% to USD 9.50 billion for ads on the mobile space.
In its APK Teardown of the Android YouTube app, the website Android Police found "Music Pass" that hints of a possible launch of a YouTube music subscription service.
New York-based web tools and service maker Betaworks is raising a new USD20 million round of financing to build more useful services, according to the company's Chief Executive Officer.
Cryptolocker thieves are taking advantage of the $1,000 surge of the Bitcoin value by spreading malware that threatens to encrypt computer data and collecting anonymous Bitcoin ransom from unwitting victims.
Japanese chipmaker Toshiba offered to acquire solid-state hard drive maker OCZ Technology Group Inc. in a planned bankruptcy proceeding. The California-based company will immediately file for bankruptcy and liquidate if the deal with Toshiba falls apart.
23andMe Chief Executive Officer Anne Wojcicki defended her company's genetic testing product and stands by the data on the accuracy of their results after the public warning letter issued by the US Food and Drug Administration.
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