United States
Obama urges Congress to move on after settled debt issue
US President Barack Obama had urged the Congress to move along with other agendas after reaching a deal to end the partial shutdown of the country.
Jos. A. Bank Chairman sees strong support from investors for Men's Wearhouse offer
Jos. A. Bank Chairman Robert Wildrick said in an interview last Wednesday that the US apparel retailer had received strong support from top shareholders in the company for its Men's Wearhouse Inc. bid valued USD2.3 billion.
Dismissal of eminent domain case appealed to higher court
Richmond resident trustees have filed an appeal on a decision made by US District Judge Charles Breyer dismissing the eminent domain case.
House GOP leaders approve Senate proposed deal
According to officials who sought anonymity, House Speaker John Boehner and other Republican leaders in the House would approve the Senate drafted deal on the debt ceiling and the budget.