Netflix to Stop Reporting Subscriber Numbers By 2025; Tells Wall Street to Just Focus on Profits
Netflix's decision to cease reporting quarterly subscriber numbers heralds a shift in focus towards financial metrics like revenue and free cash flow, indicating its evolution beyond the "streaming wars."
US Committee Reveals Secret Brazil Court Orders to Elon Musk's X Regarding Account Suspensions
A US congressional committee revealed classified Brazilian court rulings suspending accounts on the social media platform X, providing insight into choices that have sparked accusations about suspected censorship by the firm and its billionaire owner, Elon Musk.
San Francisco Sues Oakland for Trademark Infringement Over Proposed Airport Name Change
San Francisco has sued the city of Oakland over its plan to rename its airport to "San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport."
Dubai Struggles to Bounce Back After United Arab Emirates Floods Delayed Airport Flight Schedules
Dubai's major airport announced on Friday that it will limit the number of flights arriving for the next two days as it works to remove a three-day backlog caused by a record storm in the UAE.