Arnold Schwarzenegger hypes up on Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon


Arnold Schwarzenegger joined Jimmy Fallon on his Tonight Show last Monday promoting his latest movie Sabotage showing next Friday. Fallon wore a wig and joined Schwarzenegger in a QVC skit while spoofing some of the famous lines Arnold dropped in some of his movies, cited USAToday.

Fallon starred on the skit as the host saying, "Now We're Cookin' With Zach Striker.” Meanwhile, Schwarzenegger played as himself. Fallon and the former Hollywood actor turned politician presented a Vitamix blender, slicer and dicer.

The pair worked out really well as Fallon went to discuss the blender’s information. However, Schwarzenegger got pretty impatient and wanted to move on the next product. The governor kept yelling, “Let's get to the chopper!" This was Schwarzenegger’s iconic line from his 1987 hit movie, Predator.

In the end, Arnold got tired of waiting and flipped over a table. The show took a break with Arnold dropping another iconic line, "I'll be back!"

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jimmy Fallon, USA Today

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