Kevin Smith Visits the Set of "Star Wars: Episode VII," Confirms There Will be Stormtroopers


Director J.J. Abrams is known for his secrecy. So it seems a little surprising that he'd let Kevin Smith, director of "Clerks" and noted film fanboy, onto the set of the upcoming "Star Wars: Episode VII."

Yet that's exactly what he did, according to a new report from Flickering Myth.

According to their report, Smith has signed a non-disclosure agreement, so for obvious reasons he cannot mention anything he saw on set. Although Smith did mention that what he saw sparked childhood memories of watching the original "Star Wars" films, which is probably a good sign for the upcoming sequel.

Smith also discussed the level of secrecy that's been clouding the massive science fiction production.

"They had a sign at on the stage - I can't even say which stage - which had the Imperial Starship logo and it said, 'loose lips sink starships'".

Smith also admitted that he cried- not just once, but four times- over the course of his "Star Wars" visit. "This movie though... Dude, I cried four times."

Perhaps the biggest detail of all to be divulged by Smith is the presence of stormtroopers, the classic "Star Wars" foot soldiers, on the set of "Episode VII." Smith wrote down a question for Ralph Garman, the co-host of Smith's "Hollywood Babble-on" podcast, to read out. Then when Garman read the question, asking, "Did you see Stormtroopers?" Smith gave a big smile and a nod.

It seems that was the one piece of info that Abrams has allowed to let leak.

This is not the first time Smith has been given insider info for a major Hollywood production. Back in May, Smith revealed key details about Batman's costume from the upcoming "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice." Smith, a close friend of Ben Affleck (who'll be playing Batman in the upcoming film), mentioned that the suit is not all black, like the image suggests, but is really a combination of blue, grey and yellow (a color scheme that hews more closely to "Batman" comics).

Last November, Smith was reportedly shown a picture of the costume by director Zack Snyder.

"Star Wars: Episode VII" will release on December 18, 2015

Star Wars, Star Wars: Episode VII, Kevin Smith, J.J Abrams, Film, Science Fiction, Movie News, Movie Rumors, Trending news, Disney

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