Tags: Science Fiction

‘Cyberpunk 2077’ Updates: Game to be Published Late 2016?

A reliable source has revealed that CD Projekt RED may want to push for an earlier release of Cyberpunk 2077 in 2016.

‘Quantum Break’ Takes Pride on Stunning Visuals on 2016 Release

Remedy Entertainment’s Quantum Break takes pride on its stunning visuals as its footage shall be revealed on the upcoming Game Awards 2015, prior to its 2016 release.

Tom Clancy’s ‘Rainbow Six Siege’ Updates: Unlock New Characters Either by Playing Hundred Hour Gameplay or Spending Money

It was reported that the new characters for the upcoming shooting game, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, shall take either a considerable number of hours or spend amounts of cash to unlock.

Matt Damon seeks help 140 million miles away in latest movie "The Martian"; Trailer released

The bestselling novel of Andy Weir is finally getting its movie adaptation with Matt Damon playing as Mark Watney. It will be directed by Ridley Scott.

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'Prometheus 2' might have a little alien competition from 'Alien Nation.' There's no shortage of quality science-fiction films headed our way- and the latest is a remake from quite a while ago.
According to star Peter Capaldi and showrunner Steven Moffat, the newest Doctor Who will be drastically different than in previous incarnations.
The release date for the upcoming "Prometheus 2," may be announced shortly, according to new rumors and reports from Ridley Scott.
Director Kevin Smith, after visiting the set of J.J. Abrams' "Star Wars: Episode VII," has confirmed that the classic "Star Wars" soldiers, the Stormtroopers, will be present in the film.
"Terminator: Genesis" will relive the iconic robots and the Human Resistance. Expected action, mechanical science fiction, and little touch of romance are to be revealed soon next year.
The most-awaited TV series "Heroes: Reborn" will be airing next year. This series will serve as the second installment of the well-known, "Heroes".
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