Blackberry, Microsoft, Facebook Among Established Names In Technology Failures List


There are several reasons for the failure of a certain technology. It is either they were launched too early in the market or too late. Likewise, it could either be they were way behind their time or already obsolete at the time of their launch. From gadgets to software and other stuff, failures can be a learning experience and a great teacher.

The year 2014 saw both triumphs and failures in the technology sector. Successful developments include the coming of big and beautiful phablets (a phone and a tablet in one), convenient fitness trackers, and cheap-but-versatile gadgets such as Chromecast.

But while there were successes, there were also flops and failures in this field. Some of them are already familiar and established names. Others are start-ups trying to curve a niche in the tough and competitive technology sector. Here we will look at the collective list of ten of the technology failures for this year by New York Post.and thepush..

Facebook Home

When it was launched in 2013 as an Android app, Facebook Home turned a phone's home screen into Facebook central making connection with Facebook friends the priority over all other functions of the phone. This did not auger well for users who did not like this approach. HTC First, the first phone to carry it, reduced its price to 99 cents per month.

BlackBerry 10

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