India's favorite couple Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan spotted on candid photos in Amitabh's Diwali; Aishwarya and director Sanjay Gupta arguing over her next film "Jazbaa"?


Long time couple, Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan shows how much they are happy together in candid photos while attending Amitabh Bachchan's Diwali. reports that the couple attended Abhishek's father's Diwali which is considered to be the biggest one yet in Bollywood this year. A lot of movie stars, directors, producers, and many more attended the Diwali which was held in Amitabh Bachchan's house in Jalsa.

Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bacchan have been married since 2007 and they already have a lovely baby girl named Aradhya. Although many fans thought it was an odd pairing, the couple were a match made in heaven as it seems.

"Aishwarya is my anchor. She is my buddy, my closest friend. I can discuss anything with her. Our relationship is not based on her being Aishwarya Rai or me coming from an illustrious family. It is just about two people falling in love which has organically grown. We started during Guru. It was meant to be," as Abhishek said.

Abhishek is happy and content with his film career with his movie, "Happy New Year" being a big hit and not to mention both critics and fans loved his performance in the film.

Meanwhile Aishwarya Rai is filming her comeback film, titled "Jazbaa" and it is none other than Sanjay Gupta who is directing the film. But it seems Aishwarya isn't all too happy with Sanjay 'spilling the beans too early' for the film's plot and premise as reported by

A close source has told the website that the actress is not content and happy with the film's script and is asking Sanjay to make several changes to it. From the previous interviews with Sanjay Gupta, the film is all about Aishwarya Rai playing a lawyer while Irrfan Kahn will be playing a suspended police officer.

The more shocking revelation is that the director says there won't be any kind of romance between the two and says, "But [it] culminates on a note where you get a feeling that Aishwarya and Irrfan's equation might develop into a relationship later."

For now fans will have to wait what will become of Aishwarya Rai's comeback movie and whether it will revitalize her career or not.

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